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Image by Vishnu Mohanan


​During my time in high school, I have gained work experience through teaching young aspiring engineers at my local temple. During this time, it let me feel enthusiastic as I was able to teach my knowledge about computers to others just like me.  I also explored careers that interest me through research and various conferences I was invited to. To name one, I was invited to a conference in Purdue University hosted by an Indian technology and engineering institute (Vellore Institute of Tech - Top 15 in India), in partnership with Purdue. With such exploratory opportunities, I was able to learn different fields of engineering, and learned to love one field, Electrical Engineering. Ever since, I have always been fascinated by electrical components, and working with breadboards, circuits, and other technologies alike. 


In addition, I have also researched the curriculum we have learned in the Engineering department during my high school years and what specific engineering lifestyles it compares with, and found my love for electrical engineering strengthened. As I researched the semiconductor fields, I loved Nvidia’s components and manufacturing of their GPUs, and have looked into internships with the company. I learned many rising technologies, like DLSS, Ray-tracing, Hyperthreading, Virtualizations, and Deep-Learning, along with some information about Blockchain and its correlation of Bitcoin/mining. These technologies have made me strive to take engineering courses throughout my high school career and college career that can allow me to be involved in this tech in my professional career. This affected my career choice greatly, as it strengthened my love for electrical engineering and allowed me to enjoy the research of such components.


In my later years, I have learned further into EEC and simple IC components and how to design simple circuits both on digital simulation (NI Multisim) and on breadboard. Throughout my junior year, I have been experimenting with lots of keyboard PCB designs for my future project launch, to help make my hunger for a product pursue. I have learned a lot in basic electronic components and logic circuitry in ICs, making me further interested to learn about future electronic componentry. This class is especially helpful for my product as it is completely based on circuit design and CAD workshop. Currently, I am taking Aerospace Engineering in my senior, which has allowed me to work on simple but comprehensive softwares like Aery32 and flight simulators, to both get access to designing aircrafts as well as flying them. 


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